Anne-Marie Weijmans - home page
Name : Anne-Marie Weijmans Adress : School of Physics and Astrononomy University of St Andrews North Haugh St Andrews Fife KY16 9RJ Scotland, UK Telephone : +44 (0)1334 46 2823 E-mail : amw23*AT* Room : 334
I am a lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of St Andrews.
The Atlas3D project - XXIV. The intrinsic shape distribution of early type galaxies,
A. Weijmans, P.T. de Zeeuw, E. Emsellem, D. Krajnović, P.-Y. Lablanche, K. Alatalo, L. Blitz, M. Bois, F. Bournaud, M. Bureau, M. Cappellari, A.F. Crocker, R.L. Davies, T.A. Davis, P.-A. Duc, S. Khochfar, H. Kuntschner, R.M. McDermid, R. Morganti, T. Naab, T. Oosterloo, M. Sarzi, N. Scott, P. Serra, G. Verdoes Kleijn, L.M. Young, 2014, MNRAS, in press
On the shapes and structures of high-redshift compact galaxies,
M. Chevance, A. Weijmans, I. Damjanov, R.G. Abraham, L. Simard, S. van den Bergh, E. Caris, K. Glazebrook, 2012, ApJ, 754L, 24
Dissecting the Lyman Alpha emission halo of LAB1,
A. Weijmans, R.G. Bower, J.E. Geach, A.M. Swinbank, R.J. Wilman, P.T. de Zeeuw, S.L. Morris, 2010, MNRAS, 402, 2245
Stellar velocity profiles and line strengths out to four effective radii in the early-type galaxies NGC 3379 and NGC 821,
A. Weijmans, M. Cappellari, R. Bacon, P.T. de Zeeuw, E. Emsellem, J. Falcon-Barroso, H. Kuntschner, R.M. McDermid, R.C.E. van den Bosch, G. van de Ven, 2009, MNRAS, 398, 561
The shape of the dark matter halo in the early-type galaxy NGC 2974,
A. Weijmans, D. Krajnović, G. van de Ven, T.A. Oosterloo, R. Morganti, P.T. de Zeeuw, 2008, MNRAS, 383, 1343--1358
And my PhD thesis can be found here:  The Structure of Dark and Luminous Matter in Early-Type Galaxies.
SAURON ziet alles...,
A. Weijmans, Eureka!, november 2008, edition 23 (in Dutch)
SAURON - het oog dat alles ziet,
A. Weijmans & D. Krajnović, Zenit, september 2005, p392--395 (in Dutch)
Popular articles
Education and Public Outreach
I am currently teaching AS4010 Extragalactic Astronomy and the
cosmology module of AS1001 Astronomy & Astrophysics 1.
Dutch Astronomy Olympiad
I was involved in organising the first Dutch Astronomy Olympiad in 2007. This
Olympiad offers high school students a
chance to enlarge their knowledge on astronomy, and win a trip to the
Observatory of La Palma!
The Astronomy Olympiad has become an annual event. Have a look at Sterrenkunde
Olympiade for more information.
I play the oboe, and am a member of the St Andrews Chamber Orchestra. Also, have a look at the webpages of the orchestras in the Netherlands where I played the oboe and the
cor anglais:
Sinfonietta Voorschoten
Randstad Quintet (links to YouTube video)
Leidse Harmoniekapel