AS 4024 -- Binary Stars and Accretion Disks

Keith Horne, University of St.Andrews

Astronomy Picture of the Day .
Introduction to Close Binary Stars. (Hilditch).
CUP . fetchbook . Amazon .
Binary Star Lectures:
1.pdf . .ps . 1c.pdf . .ps . Overview, circular orbit, types of binaries.
2.pdf . .ps . 2.pdf . .ps . Gravity, energy and angular momentum conservation, Kepler's law, conics.
3.pdf . .ps . 3c.pdf . .ps . 2-body problem, centre of mass, reduced mass, relative and barycentric orbits.
4.pdf . .ps . 4c.pdf . .ps . radial potential, turning points, orbit shape, speed, true,eccentric,mean anomalies, Kepler's equation.
5.pdf . .ps . 5c.pdf . .ps . orbit orientation, radial velocity orbits, minimum masses, cross-correlation velocities, periodograms.
6.pdf . .ps . 6c.pdf . .ps . pulse timing orbits, inclinations from astrometry, eclipses, polarimetry.
7.pdf . .ps . 7c.pdf . .ps . perturbed 2-body motion, Lagrange equations, apsidal motion.
8.pdf . .ps . 8c.pdf . .ps . non-spherical potentials, equilibrium and dynamical tides, Zahn synchronisation and circularisation timescales.
9.pdf . .ps . 9c.pdf . .ps . Roche potential, Lagrange points, modelling lightcurves
10.pdf . .ps . 10c.pdf . .ps . lightcurve observations, tests of stellar evolution theory.
11.pdf . .ps . 11c.pdf . .ps . mass transfer, mass loss, orbital evolution.
Accretion Power in Astrophysics. (Frank, King, Raine).
CUP . fetchbook . Amazon .
Accretion Disk Lectures:
12.pdf . .ps . 12c.pdf . .ps . Accretion energy, Eddington luminosity and accretion rate, basic disc physics, thickness and vertical structure.
13.pdf . .ps . 13c.pdf . .ps . Basic equations, anomalous viscosity, T(R), blackbody disc spectrum, surface density diffusion.
14.pdf . .ps . 14c.pdf . .ps . Dwarf nova outbursts, disk instability model, superoutbursts, superhumps.
15.pdf . .ps . Mike Truss guest lecture 1
16.pdf . .ps . Mike Truss guest lecture 2
    Binary Stars
  • Terry Herter . (Cornell)
  • Vik Dhillon (Sheffield)
  • Axel Schwope (Pottsdam)
    Accretion Disks
  • Jim Stone (Princeton)
  • John Blondin (North Carolina State)
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