Universal Properties of Centripetal Accelerations in Spiral Galaxies.
Shenavar (2016) AP&SS 361 378.
Motion of particles in solar and galactic systems
by using Neumann boundary condition.
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Conformal Gravity Rotation Curves with a Conformal Higgs Halo.
Scholz (2016) Foundations of Physics 46, 176
MOND-Like Acceleration in Integrable Weyl Geometric Gravity.
Deliduman, Kasikci, Yapiskan (2015) JCAP? arXiv:1511.07731
Flat Galactic Rotation Curves from Geometry in Weyl Gravity.
Nesbet (2015) EPL 109, 59001
Dark galactic halos without dark matter.
Nesbet (2014) arXiv:1410.8076
Conformal gravity in the Schwarzschild metric.
Mannheim, O'Brien (2013) JPhCS 437m 2002.
Galactic rotation curves in conformal gravity.
Mannheim, O'Brien (2012) PRD 85, 4020.
Fitting galactic rotation curves with conformal gravity
and a global quadratic potential
O'Brien, Mannheim (2012) MNRAS 421, 1273.
Fitting dwarf galaxy rotation curves with conformal gravity.
Mannheim, O'Brien (2011) PRL 106, 1101.
Impact of a Global Quadratic Potential
on Galactic Rotation Curves.
Nesbet (2011) 1109.3626
Proposed explanation of galactic halos.
Mannheim (1997) ApJ 479, 659.
Are Galactic Rotation Curves Really Flat?
Mannheim (1993) ApJ 419, 150.
Linear Potentials and Galactic Rotation Curves
Gravitational Waves:
Hoelscher, Schwarz (2019) PRD 99, 84005.
Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries
in conformal gravity/
Caprini, Hoelscher, Schwarz (2018) PRD 98, 4002.
Astrophysical Gravitational Waves in Conformal Gravity.
Fabbri, Paranjape (2011) JMPD 20, 1941.
Conformal Gravity and Gravitational Waves.
Fabbri, Paranjape (2011) PRD 83, 4046.
Monochromatic plane-fronted waves in conformal gravity
are pure gauge.
Bouchami, Paranjape (2008) PRD 78, 4022.
Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance, solitons,
and gravitational waves in theories of conformally
invariant gravitation.
Turner, Horne (2020) CQG 37, 095012.
Null geodesics in conformal gravity.
Kasikci, Deliduman (2018) arXiv:1812.01076.
Gravitational Lensing in Weyl Gravity.
Campigotto, Diaferio, Fatibene (2017) arXiv:1712.03969.
Conformal gravity: light deflection revisited and the galactic rotation curve failure.
Sultana, Kazanas, (2017) MNRAS 466, 484.
Gauge choice in conformal gravity.
Mureika, Varieschi (2016) arXiv:1611.00399
Black hole shadows in fourth-order conformal Weyl gravity.
Lim, Wang (2017) PRD 95, 4004.
Exact gravitational lensing in conformal gravity and
Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime.
Hoseini, et al. (2016) PRD94, 44021
Analytic treatment of complete geodesics in a static
cylindrically symmetric conformal spacetime.
Hoseini, Saffari, Soroushfar (2016) arXiv:1606.06558
Study of the geodesic equations of a spherical symmetric
spacetime in conformal gravity
Hoesini, Saffari, Soroushfar (2016) arXiv:1606.06545
Geodesic Motion in the Spacetime Of a SU(2)-Colored (A)dS
Black Hole in Conformal Gravity
Potapov, Izmailov, Nandi (2016) PRD 93, 4070
Mass decomposition of SLACS lens galaxies in Weyl conformal gravity
Cutajar, Zarb Adami (2014) MNRAS 441, 1291.
Strong lensing as a test for conformal Weyl gravity.
Sultana (2013) PRD 88, 2003.
Contribution of the cosmological constant to the bending
of light in Kerr-de Sitter spacetime.
Sultana (2013) JCAP 04, 48.
Deflection of light to second order in conformal Weyl gravity.
Cattani, Scalia, Laserra, Bochicchio, Nandi (2013) PRD 87, 7503.
Correct light deflection in Weyl conformal gravity.
Villanueva, Olivares (2013) JCAP 06, 040.
On the null trajectories in conformal Weyl gravity
Sultana, Kazanas (2012) PRD 85, 1502.
Bending of light in modified gravity at large distances.
Bhattacharya, Isaev, Scalia, Cattani, Nandi (2010) JCAP 09, 004.
Light bending in the galactic halo by Rindler-Ishak method.
Sultana, Kazanas (2010) PRD 81, 7502.
Bending of light in conformal Weyl gravity.
Ishak, Rindler, Dossett, Moldenhauer, Allison
(2008) MNRAS 388, 1279.
A new independent limit on the cosmological constant/dark energy
from the relativistic bending of light by Galaxies and clusters
of Galaxies.
Ishak (2008) PRD 85, 3005.
Light deflection, lensing, and time delays from gravitational
potentials and Fermat's principle in the presence of a
cosmological constant.
Rindler, Ishak (2007) PRD 76, 3006,
Contribution of the cosmological constant
to the relativistic bending of light revisited.
Pireaux (2004) QCGra 21, 4317.
Light deflection in Weyl gravity:
constraints on the linear parameter
Pireaux (2004) CQGra 21, 1897.
Light deflection in Weyl gravity:
critical distances for photon paths.
Edery, Methot, Paranjape (2001) GReGr 33, 2075.
Gauge Choice and Geodetic Deflection in Conformal Gravity.
Edery, Paranjape (1999) AIPC 493, 275.
Transformation of vacuum solutions of conformal gravity to flat space.
Edery (1999) PRL 83, 3990.
The Bright Side of Dark Matter.
Edery, Paranjape (1998) PRD 58, 4011.
Classical tests for Weyl gravity: Deflection of light and time delay.
Galaxy Clusters:
Diaferio, Ostorero (2009) MNRAS 393, 215.
X-ray clusters of galaxies in conformal gravity.
Horne (2006) MNRAS 369, 1667.
X-ray gas in the galaxy cluster Abell 2029:
conformal gravity versus dark matter.
Mannheim (1995) astro-ph/9504022.
Linear Potentials in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies.
Structure Formation:
Amarasinghe, Liu, Norman, Mannheim (2021) PRD 103, 104022.
Exact solution to perturbative conformal cosmology
from recombination until the current era.
Mannheim (2020) PRD 102, 123535.
Exact solution to perturbative conformal cosmology
in the recombination era.
Amarasinghe, Phelps, Mannheim (2019) PRD 99, 83527.
Cosmological perturbations in conformal gravity II.
Mannheim (2012) PRD 85, 12, 4008.
Cosmological perturbations in conformal gravity.
Conformal Cosmology:
Roberts, Horne, Hodson, Leggat (2018) arXiv:1711.10369
Tests of LambdaCDM and Conformal Gravity using GRB and
Quasars as Standard Candles out to z~8.
Oda (2016) MPLA 31, 1650218.
Cosmology in Weyl transverse gravity.
Myung, Park (2016) EPJC 76, 79.
Scale-invariant power spectra from a Weyl-invariant
scalar-tensor theory
Oda (2015) arXiv:1505.06760
Conformal Higgs Gravity.
Variesche (2014) Galax 2, 577.
Astrophysical Tests of Kinematical Conformal Cosmology
in Fourth-Order ConformalWeyl Gravity
Bars, Steinhardt, Turok (2014) PhRvD 89, 3515.
Local conformal symmetry in physics and cosmology.
Bars, Steinhardt, Turok (2014) PhRvD 89, 1302.
Sailing through the big crunch-big bang transition.
Bars, Steinhardt, Turok (2013) PhLB 726, 50.
Cyclic cosmology, conformal symmetry and the metastability of the Higgs.
Yoon (2013) 1309.1990
Conformally Coupled Induced Gravity as an Infrared Fixed Point.
Yoon (2013) 1308.4952
The Dark Energy Regulated by Emergent Conformal Symmetry.
Yang, Chen, Xhao, Li, Liu (2013) 1311.2800
Test of conformal gravity with astrophysical observations.
Bars, Shih-Hung, Steinhardt, Turok (2012) PhRvD 86, 3542.
Complete set of homogeneous isotropic analytic solutions in
scalar-tensor cosmology with radiation and curvature.
Bars, Shih-Hung, Steinhardt, Turok (2012) PhLB 715, 278.
Antigravity and the big crunch/big bang transition.
Diaferio, Ostorero, Cardone (2011) JCAP 10, 8.
Gamma-ray bursts as cosmological probes:
ΛCDM vs. conformal gravity.
Nesbet (2011) MPLA 26, 893.
Cosmological Implications of Conformal Field Theory.
Phillips (2011) MNRAS 417, 2276.
Modified conformal cosmology with
a positive effective gravitational constant.
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Comprehensive solution to the cosmological constant,
zero-point energy, and quantum gravity problems.
Varieschi (2010) GReGr 42, 929.
A kinematical approach to conformal cosmology.
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Dynamical symmetry breaking and the cosmological constant problem.
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Higgs mass determined by cosmological parameters.
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Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance in theories of
conformally coupled matter and Weyl gravity.
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Options for cosmology at redshifts above one
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How Recent is Cosmic Acceleration?
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Description of supernova data in conformal cosmology
without cosmological constant.
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Implications of cosmic repulsion for gravitational theory.
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Can conformal Weyl gravity be considered
a viable cosmological theory?
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Conformal gravity and the flatness problem.
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Conformal cosmology with no cosmological constant.
Kaplinghat, Steigman, Walker (2000) PRD 61, 103507.
Nucleosynthesis in power-law cosmologies.
Sethi, Batra, Lohiya (1999) PRD 60, 108301.
Comment on ``Observational constraints on power-law cosmologies''
Lohiya, Batra, Mahajan, Mukherjee (1999) arXiv:nucl.th 2022
Nucleosynhthesis in a Simmering Universe.
Knox, Kosowsky (1993)
Primordial nucleosynthesis in conformal Weyl gravity.
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Keith Horne (kdh1@st-andrews.ac.uk)