Kenneth Wood

School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews
North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife
Scotland, KY16 9SS
tel: +44 1334 463116 (office), +44 7913 162062 (mobile), fax: +44 1334 463104
email: kw25 @

Astronomy Group Homepage
School of Physics & Astronomy
University of St Andrews

Ultraviolet Light to Prevent Airborne Transmission of Viruses

Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer Summer School 2019

Work-Life Balance A case study prepared for the Equality and Diversity Committee


Development of three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiation transfer and radiation hydrodynamics codes for use in studies of feedback processes in star forming regions and the interstellar medium. Applications of Monte Carlo techniques to light propagation in biological tissue with applications to photodynamic therapy treatments of cancer.

Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer Codes (Documentation and source codes)
Interstellar Medium & Photoionized Gas
Monte Carlo Medical Applications

Vitae & Publications

Research Opportunities for PhD Students

Teaching for 2021/2022

AS4011: Stars & Nebulae I
PH5023: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Techniques

Other Stuff...

New Links Golf, mentoring, and education at St Andrews

Golf Graduation 2005